
Showing posts from July, 2015

Housewarming Party!

Thanks to those who came to our housewarming party. They brought gifts, too. Giving gifts to the host is typical for Koreans. One of the famous gifts is a roll of tissue paper. They believe that if you are gifted with a roll of tissue paper, your problems can easily be solved just like the tissue paper when you roll it out. Hence, we received these 30 rolls of tissue. It is good for a several months of supply.  Another one is a blender. Though it's not typical, but it is very useful. I've been meaning to buy this one even before but just couldn't get myself to buy one. The last one was a shoe rack. One of of our friends saw that our shoe rack was not enough for our shoes, so she bought another one. Yay!!! Gifts and blessings! We prepared all Korean foods - tofu with kimchi, Pajeon, Makkgeolli, etc. I wasn't able to take a picture of those. I would love to share the Korean foods here. Well, next time in my future posts. In two weeks probably, it would be our turn to give

There is strength in UNITY

To my followers and readers:  I extend my gratitude to everyone who reads my post. And, I'm sorry that I haven't written anything these past few weeks. A lot has happened. I moved in to a new place. Maybe you are familiar with the things you have to do before, during, and after the move in. It's indeed stressful. But my friend told me sometimes we need to change though it may seem very stressful. Change is needed from time to time. Yeah, she has a point. I tried to argue, though, that sometimes some stress are unnecessary, and we don't need to go through it. Well, in the end, I gave in. Moreover, more work needs to be done in the office. Piles of paperwork clamor my attention each day. Again, thank you. I will find time to write. Monthly meeting:  In a week, the peak season kicks in. Japanese and Korean students will start their summer vacation next week. That means that there will be a lot of students coming to the Philippines to study English. Thus, in preparation, we