
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Reason Behind the Change

Hello everyone. Welcome to 'my coffee shop stories.' I hope you all have a good day. For my new readers, thank you for visiting my blog. And, for my followers, thank you so much for your time reading my posts. My blog site is originally 'readsandtravels.' Then, one day it came to mind that the things I can share are only limited to books and travels. Thus, I came up with another name which is coffee shop stories. I love coffee shops, and so do other people. In the coffee shops, people can talk about anything under the sun - business meetings, random topics, school things, love life, problems, etc. This name would allow me to share a wide range of topics. Yeah, let's chat it away, guys!!! People, animals, and even the world go through CHANGE. It is needed. very much. What's the reason behind it? To grow. To become a better person. To reach one's goals. Every transformation goes through a painful process. There will be chaos. ruins. But it will lead  us to som